1:25 pm: maybe i should start that paper that's due tomorrow. What's my topic again?
2:10 pm: Mental breakdown number one.
3:00-6:00 pm: Two additional biographic possibilities thoroughly researched and dismissed. Exceedingly difficult thesis and its representative decided upon. Piles of articles found.
12:26 am: Research concluded. Boy very sick, made tea and wrapped in blanket with cats.
12:53 am: First words penned.
2:43 am: Inevitable loss of mind at end of second paragraph. Crawled into bed with Boy to nap for a short time.
3:20 am: Alarm goes off. Not having slept, lost glasses and began second Mental Breakdown of evening. Really more of a tantrum as am very sick.
5:00 am: Sleeping it off, dreaming of Basquiat, Haitian beaches, and a friend from high school. Paper writes itself in the surf.
8:00 am: Awake without transcript from dream. See Tired Boy off for work, feed cats. Coax Small Cat away from Queen of All Tigers' food and sit down to write again. Notes look like cuneform, or possibly Linear B.
9:38 am: Tapped out conclusion, deliberately leaving off a bibliography so as not to be late. Will claim to have forgotten to print that page. Rushed out door.
Time management is for people without severe emotional and organizational handicaps.

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