Tuesday, August 19, 2008

another letter

Dearest Friend,
You are kind of an idiot. Not really, and I don't mean to say that I look down upon you, because I don't, but you can't pick up on my signals of need and that pisses me off.

I came to you, begging you for comfort, and you could only tell me that you hurt physically. I told you I needed you and you punched a wall
i really hope you don't have a scar but if you did i would kiss it
and made me cry harder. I hate my home right now so I run to yours. I need you sometimes.

Those sometimes when I close off and can't recover, you need to break me out of it, show me with force that this is real and you still mean it.

Why don't you know intuitively, the way I know these things about you?

love, and you know that i do,

i was really glad that i actually said these things to him.
i didn't know until i said them, and i couldn't say them until we both lost it a little.

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