Sunday, September 27, 2009

Post haste

Good afternoon,
Up till now, it may have escaped your notice that you are a very bad person. It is our duty to inform you that your judgmental rages, selfishness, and general emotional incompetence will no longer be suffered.

Stop taking for granted what you are lucky to have. Don't use your supposedly difficult upbringing as an excuse to be pathetic. Act like a human, not a socipathic, infantle rodent.

If you do not rectify the behaviors and grievances we have mentioned to you, we will be forced to take action against you, and we will enjoy it.


(The Coalition of Gods, Fates, Guardian Angels, and Other Generalized Outside Forces)

Why don't we ever get bills like that in the mail?

Friday, September 25, 2009


I skipped the same class three times in one week, which begs the question of whether it's really worth it to go back at all. Still, finally got that four hours of sleep i've been craving, and started my first decent painting since forever-ago.

It seems illogical that we have to sneak out of our lives to feel like real people.

At least the clouds look nice.

Monday, September 14, 2009


There have been so many days of late during which I suddenly and forcefully remember what that particular day felt like a year ago.

It's not a good or honorable reminiscence.

I can in all confidence say that I'm tired of the helplessness and the unfocused terror. I wish that time had the marked delineations of calendar years and chapters in novels. When a time is over, the next one is different, affording the possibility to let things carry over just a little bit less.

Also, I really hate it when people sing in crowded places in just such a way as to show off how good they are at singing. We get it, you're special and we're all very envious. Whatever happened to wearing talent with grace, to not constantly having to prove yourself?

End tangent, and on.

Does anyone follow the advice they give? Or is possessing human insight like being a muse- using it for others comes naturally, but poor Salma Hayek can't write a thing for herself?

The new experiment of the off-calendar year is to see if deciding a thing makes it believable, makes it real.